Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adrian turned three weeks old yesterday. Where is the time going?! We had a bit of a rough weekend with him being quite fussy and not sleeping as well as usual. However, last night and the night before were much better. He's still quite fussy during the day and I am trying to determine why. It's very hard to get anything done because he wants to be held and/or nursed constantly. I've had some milk supply issues and saw a lactation consultant last Thursday. So, now I am trying to determine if he is hungry or just plain wants his mommy. :) I plan to take him in for a weight check tomorrow. He's not gaining as quickly as they would like, so we are having to closely watch him.
Dominic is still doing well adjusting to big brotherhood. I think the biggest challenge for him is not being able to get out of the house like normal! It'll be nice when everything just balances out into a more predictable routine.
I promise to post more pictures of my CUTE (!!!) kids soon. :)

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