Saturday, January 31, 2009

So, I nearly have a five-year-old... Crazy, no? And what an almost-five-year-old he is! Dominic is a fountain bubbling over with zeal for life - and garbage trucks! That boy loves him some garbage trucks. :) He is kind to others, good at sharing, loves school, and is a big help to his mommy. Besides garbage trucks (which take first, second, and third place), he loves jumping, the color green, playing with his friends, and cooking. He dives right into new social situations without hesitation. He wants to make Jesus happy and always prays "for Dominic." (He's a bit narcisstic - we're working on that. Hehe.) He is a sweet, happy joy to us.

Little Adrian is not so little. I decided to weigh him this morning and he came in at a whopping 29 pounds on our home scale! He's my little lovey. He hugs everyone and everything. This morning he was even "hugging" the baby on the bag of Huggies wipes! :)

What precious boys God has given us!

Even on the days when I am pulling out my hair with stay-at-home mom induced craziness, I am blessed beyond words. I have a husband who graciously provides for us so that I do not have to work, a warm home, enough food, and - most importantly - a God who has and will continue to love me despite all my shortcomings and who fills me with His presence and His peace!


Sarah G. said...

You really are a beautiful, blessed family. I love you guys!

Marla Taviano said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Emily! I'm going to subscribe to yours!