Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Really... how did it already get to be "that time of the year"? I refuse to acknowledge the ""C word" until after Thanksgiving (as it darn well should be), but seriously? Is it so much to ask to just pause June for like a year sometime?
In other news, I've been sick. Despite my OCD behavior with the antibacterial wipes and handwashing, I managed to go ahead and catch H1N1without really knowing it until that nastiness turned into pneumonia. A million doctor's visits, a hospital stay, and a visit from my mother (thank you God for mothers - I'd surely be dead by now without mine!) later, I am working on getting better... sort of. The on again/off again episodes of not being able to breathe are a bit disturbing still, but I like to keep life interesting. More disturbing than not being able to breathe is that I am currently banned from the gym. NOT GOOD. It would just be super fabulous if my body could stop betraying me and I could go back to my weights and my spinning, pleaseandthankyouverymuch.
Moving along...
Boys are great. Dominic is loving school. Adrian is loving light posts. That's right. folks. Not to be outdone with his brother's weird trash can obsession, Adrian has developed his own unique passion for light posts. The one and only advantage to it getting dark earlier now is that I can use this fascination to my advantage. When the neighborhood light posts come on when dusk hits at, say, 5 pm, I can announce, "Oh, it's dark... the lights are on! Time for bed!" This seems to work relatively well.
So, that's it for today. I'm all out of words. That is all.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Am I the world's worst blogger or what?

Dominic's been in Kindergarten for a few weeks now and LOVES it. He is like his mama and just thrives off of social interaction. Playing with the other kids is probably his favorite part! Well, his favorite part right after riding the school bus. That is definitely the highlight of each and every day.

I had lofty plans for all the errands I was going to start getting done with only ONE kid while the other one was in school, but school time has sort of become Adrian's new naptime, so the house is blissfully peaceful and quiet for awhile in the afternoons. Of course, that still leaves me with an endless to-do/errand list that I have to knock off with both of my "helpers." Oh well... :)

These sweet boys are growing like weeds and although I am run ragged by the end of the day, I couldn't imagine life without them.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tomorrow I'll have a 2-year-old! And next week I'll have a Kindergartener! How did this happen? It's bittersweet to see my babies growing up. I am so thankful for our two healthy, happy boys. We're not doing much for Adrian's actual birthday tomorrow... perhaps going to the indoor pool for some swimming. On the 30th we'll have a puppy party at the same park as we had last year's party.

We've had a great summer!

Friday, May 15, 2009

These boys are growing up so fast! Dominic had his preschool end-of-the-year program this past Tuesday, which was adorable. The next day he lost his first tooth! How is my BABY already old enough for all of this?!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Well, we started this week off with a bang.

Yesterday Adrian fell off the kitchen counter and onto his head. He immediately started showing symptoms of a head injury, so - after a consult with the pediatrician - we ended up calling 911. An ambulance ride and a day spent at Children's Hospital later, I am overwhelmingly happy to report that our baby is fine. He suffered a concussion, but that looks like it's the extent of his injuries. He is playing and happy today. God is good and was with Adrian yesterday in a very real sense. I am working through the inevitable "mommy guilt" and just treasuring my whole and healthy kids today!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"Content" is a very good way to be. I have noticed a pattern. The closer I draw to God (and vice versa, of course), the more content I become. And not just spiritually speaking. I'm talking content, satisfied, my cup runneth over in all aspects of life. I feel less frenzied with stay-at-home motherhood, I'm more patient with my children (and husband!), more thankful for things I would normally take for granted, and more focused. One of the chapters we recently studied in my small group was Psalm 23. Almost everyone is familiar with this passage of Scripture talking about the Lord being our Shepherd. However, I decided to dig deeper and research this amazing chapter. (I am currently reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 - highly recommended!) The bottom line is this: Sheep are stupid animals. They are inclined to go their own way and very much prone to peril. Christ is the GOOD Shepherd of His sheep. He knows their tendencies because He created them. In spite of stubborness, He loves and meticulously cares for them. God IS, and as long as He IS, His sheep will be cared for.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

If you need a reminder of the goodness and grace of Jesus Christ, read Psalm 32. It is amazing! How remarkable that God does not hold our sin against us. As Christians, when we bring our sin before God and confess our wrongdoing and ask Him to forgive us, He does. That is it. There are no "ifs, and, or buts." There is no fine print. He seperates our sin from us "as far as the east is from the west." (Psalm 103:12)

We are all humans. We are all destined to failure and bad decision making. We are born with a nature that is sinful. Despite all of that, God knows us whom He created and wants each of us to become His children. Because of His death and resurrection, eternal life and the freedom from the consequences of sin is made unbelievably accessible to ALL of us.

That news makes for a good day!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

So, I nearly have a five-year-old... Crazy, no? And what an almost-five-year-old he is! Dominic is a fountain bubbling over with zeal for life - and garbage trucks! That boy loves him some garbage trucks. :) He is kind to others, good at sharing, loves school, and is a big help to his mommy. Besides garbage trucks (which take first, second, and third place), he loves jumping, the color green, playing with his friends, and cooking. He dives right into new social situations without hesitation. He wants to make Jesus happy and always prays "for Dominic." (He's a bit narcisstic - we're working on that. Hehe.) He is a sweet, happy joy to us.

Little Adrian is not so little. I decided to weigh him this morning and he came in at a whopping 29 pounds on our home scale! He's my little lovey. He hugs everyone and everything. This morning he was even "hugging" the baby on the bag of Huggies wipes! :)

What precious boys God has given us!

Even on the days when I am pulling out my hair with stay-at-home mom induced craziness, I am blessed beyond words. I have a husband who graciously provides for us so that I do not have to work, a warm home, enough food, and - most importantly - a God who has and will continue to love me despite all my shortcomings and who fills me with His presence and His peace!