Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two month check-up

Adrian had his two month check-up with the pediatrician on Friday. (He will be ten weeks old tomorrow - can you believe it?!) He weighs exactly 11 pounds and is 23-3/4" long. He is perfectly healthy and had abundant smiles for everyone... even the mean shot nurse who gave him five (yes, FIVE) shots! :( The doctor wants us to continue supplementing him with formula as I've had some breastmilk supply issues due to my anemia and because of his initial weight gain issues. His weight gain is sufficient at this point, but he has dropped from the 50th percentile to the 40th. His length went from the 95th to the 85th. (He is SO long! Just the opposite of Dominic...)

In other random news, Dominic's fish went to fishy heaven tonight. Mommy might have made a slightly poor water quality decision. Let's just say that. I guess we will be visiting Petsmart this week for some replacement "pets." I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I am going to explain why Albert and Tito aren't in the fish bowl in the morning when Dominic wants to feed them... Oh boy...

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