Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Here is a video of Dominic playing kickball yesterday at his "Sporties for Shorties" class at the rec center.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh lord... I was afraid this day was coming. I sent Ian to Kroger today for a few things. Naturally, I also sent him with a coupon for almost everything on the list. Those of you who know me best know that I HEART COUPONS. I mean, come on, it's basically free money. I HEART FREE MONEY. Hehe. Anyway, Ian was checking out and handed the cashier the big stack of coupons to which he asks, "Hey! Is your wife the one with two little kids who comes in here with like a million coupons?!?" Oh my... I have a reputation. Funny, I am not remembered as being the one who was barfing there this time last year when I first found I was pregnant... I guess being the crazy coupon lady isn't so bad.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

This is funny... albeit a little disturbing. ;) You will have to copy and paste the following link:

Monday, November 26, 2007

Friday, November 23, 2007

For your viewing pleasure... :)

Here's some pictures of our cute boys. The last two are of them yesterday in their Indian get-ups. :-) We have been reading The Story of Thanksgiving and Dominic was quite impressed that he looked just like the little boy in the book with his head dress. Unfortunately, by the time I got to taking pictures of them, they were both tired, crabby, and generally uncooperative!

Saturday, November 17, 2007


Friday, November 16, 2007

Well, dare I even type this...? My baby has slept through the night the last six (count them... SIX) nights. I cannot tell you how much sweeter and more precious my darling baby looks after an entire nights' rest. ;-) Unfortunately, he has super crabby during the DAY the last couple days to compensate and has officially won the "Super Puker" title. We aren't sure what is going on in that department, but his doctor wants him back on the reflux medicine. On the subject of puking, it's funny how easily you can disgust a childless friend by catching baby barf in your hand before it hits the sofa. ;-) As I always say (well, maybe have said for the last 3-1/2 years or so...), a hand is much easier to clean than upholstery. Hehe.

Friday, November 9, 2007

How to run an errand...

How to go to Target without children... Drive to store, select and purchase needed items, drive home (perhaps stopping for a leisurely cup of coffee on the way to/from)...

How to go to Target with children... Debate for several days whether a trip to the store is absolutely necessary anyway, try to come up with alternate plans of action to avoid the store at all (e.g., use Kleenex instead of toilet paper, shampoo for dish detergent, etc.). When a trip to the store is, in fact, deemed absolutely imperative (all Kleenex have already been used as TP), make a shopping list. Get interrupted 10,000 times while making list and start new list. Repeat. Gather 3-4 partially completed lists and haphazardly compose as one master list using staples, tape, or Dora the Explorer Bandaids. Plan to leave the house at 10am for said errands. Leave at precisely 12:48 after repeated requests for snacks, diaper changes, nursings, etc. Arrive at store. Circle parking lot approimately 5 times waiting for a good spot to open. Unbuckle and get out three-year-old repeatedly saying, "Stand RIGHT by me!" as he is distracted by cars' mud flaps, trucks, and any insect within a 20 foot radius. Get baby out. Walk to store. Remember after children are in cart (as three-year-old screams he is TOO BIG for the cart) that you left some essential shopping item in car. It doesn't matter what the item is (wallet, list, etc.) - it's just left in your car. Retrieve item and begin shopping. Detour to snack bar after repeated requests for "popcorn!" and to keep three-year-old content in cart. Select one item (after choosing an alternate because they are out of the exact thing you need), pick up crying baby. Return to snack bar to nurse baby. Deny three-year-old's repeated requests to throw something in the trash can. Resume shopping, while carrying still-unsatisfied infant, and pushing cart (yes, the one with the squeaky wheels that veers to the right). Hurriedly gather remaining items on list(s) whilst promising child a visit to the toy department if he can behave. Victoriously scratch last item off list and head toward said toy department. Mentally pound head against wall as baby poops his pants. Visit bathroom with crying child, forced to leave toy department against his will. Change baby and head to checkout line. Wait in line for a godforsaken amount of time (new cashier). Wait in line even longer as new cashier calls management because she doesn't know how to process a coupon. Meanwhile, child pulls approximately 38 rolls of Breathsavers off of the shelf. Leave Target, head toward car. Get children buckled in. Remember forgotten item. Begin new list.

Monday, November 5, 2007

I know, I know... You don't have to tell me how ridiculously cute my baby is! :-D He is 11 weeks old today and, when he wants to be (!!!), he is so smiley and happy. He's beginning to discover his hands and feet, too, which is the cutest thing EVER!

Dad and Adrian catching up on world news... (Being a baby is serious business!)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Dominic and Adrian ready for Trick-or-Treat:
Dominic and his friend Ian:

Baby Adrian Pumpkinhead:

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two month check-up

Adrian had his two month check-up with the pediatrician on Friday. (He will be ten weeks old tomorrow - can you believe it?!) He weighs exactly 11 pounds and is 23-3/4" long. He is perfectly healthy and had abundant smiles for everyone... even the mean shot nurse who gave him five (yes, FIVE) shots! :( The doctor wants us to continue supplementing him with formula as I've had some breastmilk supply issues due to my anemia and because of his initial weight gain issues. His weight gain is sufficient at this point, but he has dropped from the 50th percentile to the 40th. His length went from the 95th to the 85th. (He is SO long! Just the opposite of Dominic...)

In other random news, Dominic's fish went to fishy heaven tonight. Mommy might have made a slightly poor water quality decision. Let's just say that. I guess we will be visiting Petsmart this week for some replacement "pets." I'm still trying to figure out exactly how I am going to explain why Albert and Tito aren't in the fish bowl in the morning when Dominic wants to feed them... Oh boy...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Well, we did - in fact - make it to NC without any major incidents! We've been having a good time aside from the fact that Adrian has TOTALLY regressed in his good sleeping habits. Not good! I'm not sure what I need to do to get him back on the right path, but I am very tired in the meantime.
On a more positive note, Adrian is now a full-fledged member of the smiling baby club. :) It is so cute.
It's Thursday, which means garbage and recycling day here at Papa and Grandma's. Dominic has been glued to the window all morning. :) This is the highlight of his week.
Will check in again soon!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

I think we're onto something here...

The last 4 nights we have "topped off" Adrian with a bottle of pumped breast milk after his bedtime nursing. He is a whole new baby. He sucks down 3-4 ounces (5 last night!), gets all droopy and tired, lays down in his bassinet, and goes to sleep! Now, this is a good thing because we have gotten 5, 4, 6.5, and 7 (!!!) hours of sleep straight each night respectively, but a bad thing because it appears that my milk supply truly isn't adequate for him. This stresses me out! Dominic nursed for 26 months with NO problems, so nursing "issues" are uncharted territory for me. Several nurses and my doctor have all commented that because I lost so much blood with my abruption and delivery and because I am so anemic now, my body is prioritizing by making blood first and milk second.

Ok, now that I have bored you all stiff with my milk drama... :)

We are headed to North Carolina on Tuesday. I am beginning to wonder when and how I ever thought it was a good idea to fly alone with a 3 year old and a 6 week old. Hopefully we get there all in one peice and with most of my sanity intact!

Friday, September 28, 2007

His foot really is NOT as big as this photo portrays! :)

Bath time

Just chillin'

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

I thought this was cute. You might have to click on it to make it work! :)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Life in Babyville

It has certainly been an interesting week in the Claiborne household! Adrian's had thrush, a cold, and a major case of the crabbies... poor baby. He seems to be on the mend now, but Wednesday night was hands-down the longest, worst night since his birth! No one got much sleep that night. (Except maybe Dominic!)

In spite of all that, he is still a keeper and still growing cuter by the day. :) (I know, I know - shameless bragging...)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Life is good

I found Adrian sleeping peacefully like this yesterday. So cute. This is how I sleep too! Like mother, like son. :)

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Adrian turned three weeks old yesterday. Where is the time going?! We had a bit of a rough weekend with him being quite fussy and not sleeping as well as usual. However, last night and the night before were much better. He's still quite fussy during the day and I am trying to determine why. It's very hard to get anything done because he wants to be held and/or nursed constantly. I've had some milk supply issues and saw a lactation consultant last Thursday. So, now I am trying to determine if he is hungry or just plain wants his mommy. :) I plan to take him in for a weight check tomorrow. He's not gaining as quickly as they would like, so we are having to closely watch him.
Dominic is still doing well adjusting to big brotherhood. I think the biggest challenge for him is not being able to get out of the house like normal! It'll be nice when everything just balances out into a more predictable routine.
I promise to post more pictures of my CUTE (!!!) kids soon. :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Baby Adrian slept 6-1/2 hours straight last night! Any of you parents know how awesome this is for a two-week-old! He probably would have even gone a little longer, but I woke him up to nurse because I worry about my milk supply dropping with him sleeping so long at night.

Meanwhile, Dominic is adjusting well to big brotherhood. He is getting a little stir crazy now with Ian back at work and my mom and dad gone, and no one to take him out of the house. It'll be nice when I am fully recovered and things are a little more "normal." (Whatever the new normal will be around here!)

Monday, September 3, 2007

Adrian is two weeks old today! I am happy to report that he is sleeping longer stretches each night and went 5 hours last night. Woohoo! :) I was actually expecting just the opposite as he slept most of the day and evening yesterday. (He actually seems to sleep less during the day than a "typical" newborn.) He is a totally different baby than Dominic in almost every way... except, of course, in the precious, perfect, mommy-enrapturing way. ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Photos top to bottom: Adrian in his going-home-from-the-hospital outfit. (It was so hot when we came home that he immediately lost the hat and pants after the picture was taken!), Mommy and Adrian about to leave the hospital, Daddy and Adrian at home

In other news, Adrian had his first pediatrician appointment this afternoon. (He hated every minute of it!) His weight is working it's way back up - he is 7 lbs., 8 oz.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sunday, August 26, 2007

He's here! He's here!

Our baby boy is here! Adrian Grant arrived on Monday, August 20 at 11:13 am. He weighed 7 lbs., 12 oz. and was 20 inches long. I went in Monday morning at 5:30 to be induced (already having contractions and not knowing it!) and ended up with an emergency c-section due to a placental abruption during labor. Although Adrian's method of arrival was very unexpected and a little scary, he is beautiful, healthy, and perfect! We stayed a little extra time at the hospital, but arrived home Friday evening and are all doing wonderfully. Here are a few photos... (Many more to come, so check back often!)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Today is the day!

After all the anticipation, the time has finally come! We are headed to the hospital in about 20 minutes to be induced. Next time I post here, our family (and not just my waist anymore!) will have grown. Stay tuned...
(The above pictures are from yesterday, August 19...)